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Welcome back all Robins old and new! 


Just to let you know that our PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday this year. Indoor PE on a Tuesday and outdoor on a Wednesday. This means that PE kits will need to be in school on those days and the children will need warmer PE clothes as we head into the winter. I also recommend bringing in PE kits on a Monday and taking them home on a Friday so that they are here all week if we need them.

Lockers have been allocated!

The children now keep their belongings in their locker during the day and their PE kits can stay in there also. This also means  they are now responsible to filling those book bags and bringing letters and anything else into the classrooms themselves. Don't worry we'll keep reminding them for a while yet. 

Spellings, Reading Folders & Homework

The year 2s have hit the ground running with spellings already and will bring their new spellings home on a Monday and will need to return the book for testing on a Friday. Reading folders will be making their way home throughout next week and will specify which day they need to be returned. In addition to this homework will too start next week and those books run Friday to Friday.


Please do come along to our 'Meet the Teacher' event on Thursday 12th September. This is an opportunity for you to find out the routines and expectations of Robins class and get answers to any questions that you may have.